"If you would create something, you must be something."

Monday, September 6, 2010

labor day

the pool. isn't it pretty?
Today Mary, Claire and I went to the pool at the RAC. It was nice out but there were only like 5 other people there besides us..I'm not sure why. After that we went to lunch at Einstein's and I got a turkey-bacon avocado sandwich. It's literally the best sandwich in the world. Note the hyphen, it's turkey-bacon. It's not turkey and bacon, contrary to popular belief. It is quite delicious though; Claire and I get it every day during the week..haha. After that Mary and I came back home and showered, and I just finished painting my nails..Mary is doing hers right now. We're going to Landrum for dinner tonight, and then we're going to Emmy and Claire's to do our laundry and watch a movie. It's a quite day here in Statesboro.. I have a sociology essay that's due wednesday so I've been working on that... Other than all of that exciting information..There's not much going on right now. Love to my family & friends!
my toenails..lookin good, right?
mary doing her nails

oh hey there

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