"If you would create something, you must be something."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

first post

So this is my first time blogging...This should be fun. Anyways, I'm supposed to be telling you about my life. It's the end of my third week here at Georgia Southern and it couldn't be going any better. I've met a ton of weird people, which I love. I've mad some cool new friends, while keeping up with the old ones as well. All of the kids that came from St. Pius have formed this little family here which is awesome. I never thought college would be so great, but I have to say, it's pretty sweet. My schedule is awesome...all my classes start at 11 a.m. and end around 4 or 5.. Also my weekend starts on thursday night..which is fun. The nightlife here is..interesting, but I could see it getting old after awhile. Everyone goes out thursday night, friday night, and saturday night, which can be quite exhausting. For the die hard party animals, there's always "messed-up monday", "trashed tuesday", and "wasted wednesday".. But I still haven't really grasped the concept of going out and partying on school nights...yet.. Anyways, my classes are going well so far. I like all of them and I seem to have pretty good professors. Tonight is tie-dye and tacos night on our  floor, so the roomies and I are going to that at 7:30. All is well, and life is swell here in Statesboro. (The picture is of our scenic view on our way home from the Lakeside cafe after dinner one night.) Love to my family & friends.. talk to you later!

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