"If you would create something, you must be something."

Sunday, September 5, 2010


me, claire, mary, hunter & emmy at southern courtyard.
I have not done anything all day. I slept for awhile.. and then I got up and cleaned my room, bathroom, our kitchen, and living room. It was really gross..haha. I guess that's productive. Then,  Mary and I went to Emmy and Claire's and we all watched The Shawshank Redemption with Hunter Asip. I can't believe it's my 12 year old brother's favorite movie..... It was really good but it was like 4 hours long. I really don't have much to say because of the lack of things I did...I could tell you what I cleaned up or the amount of dirty laundry I brought over to Claire and Emmy's.... But that's not very interesting. I don't have school tomorrow...Wooo! But yeah, that's pretty much it for today. Nothing interesting. Love to my family & friends

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