"If you would create something, you must be something."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

just got a 90.5

on my first math test.

and now dinner @ Einstein's with one of my best friends. 
life is good.

love to my family & friends

Monday, September 20, 2010

i'm sorry it's been so long

I've been crazy busy...a lot has been going on lately. Tests..quizzes..homework...life...etc... I'm up late because I can't sleep. I had a long day but I'm not tired for some reason. I think part of it is because I'm stressing out over the fact that I am completely unsure about what I want to be when I grow up. It will be alright though. I was in Athens this past weekend, it was totally scandalous and super fun. I have to say, Statesboro is still better. My walks to class today seemed extremely short and extremely flat in comparison to everything there. We had a lot of fun, and saw a ton of Pius people in Athens. I even saw people from elementary and middle school too..As well as pretty much everyone from Georgia Southern. We travel in packs. Side note: I captured a dragonfly the other day for my Insects & People class. It was laying in the parking lot and I picked it up and put it in my backpack. I'm pretty sure I looked like a complete freak..but it's okay. It's 2:30 a.m. and I'm going to try to go to bed. I'll write back tomorrow or the next day. Love to my family & friends.
us at olive garden thursday for derek's
 dad's birthday
mary and i thursday night before
we went out
friday, our first night in
athens (katie, me, lauren, liz,
mary & ansley)
lauren and i on friday night
game day @ the taco stand
claire, me, hunter, mary & william
the girls before going out on
saturday night (mary, ansley,
me & gracie)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

crack kills

Is this serious? I'm sitting here with Mary trying to enjoy my lunch, when all of a sudden out of nowhere Queen of the Crack shows up right outside the window of Einstein's. It's been like that for about 20 minutes now, and she isn't moving, or even attempting to fix her current situation. This is cruel and unusual punishment and it's right in my line of vision. I was studying but now I'm finding it quite difficult to concentrate. I just figured everyone should see this. I'll post more later. Have a good day! Love to my family & friends

Monday, September 6, 2010

labor day

the pool. isn't it pretty?
Today Mary, Claire and I went to the pool at the RAC. It was nice out but there were only like 5 other people there besides us..I'm not sure why. After that we went to lunch at Einstein's and I got a turkey-bacon avocado sandwich. It's literally the best sandwich in the world. Note the hyphen, it's turkey-bacon. It's not turkey and bacon, contrary to popular belief. It is quite delicious though; Claire and I get it every day during the week..haha. After that Mary and I came back home and showered, and I just finished painting my nails..Mary is doing hers right now. We're going to Landrum for dinner tonight, and then we're going to Emmy and Claire's to do our laundry and watch a movie. It's a quite day here in Statesboro.. I have a sociology essay that's due wednesday so I've been working on that... Other than all of that exciting information..There's not much going on right now. Love to my family & friends!
my toenails..lookin good, right?
mary doing her nails

oh hey there

Sunday, September 5, 2010


me, claire, mary, hunter & emmy at southern courtyard.
I have not done anything all day. I slept for awhile.. and then I got up and cleaned my room, bathroom, our kitchen, and living room. It was really gross..haha. I guess that's productive. Then,  Mary and I went to Emmy and Claire's and we all watched The Shawshank Redemption with Hunter Asip. I can't believe it's my 12 year old brother's favorite movie..... It was really good but it was like 4 hours long. I really don't have much to say because of the lack of things I did...I could tell you what I cleaned up or the amount of dirty laundry I brought over to Claire and Emmy's.... But that's not very interesting. I don't have school tomorrow...Wooo! But yeah, that's pretty much it for today. Nothing interesting. Love to my family & friends

Saturday, September 4, 2010


pre-game ceremonies here
are totally bad-ass.
we decided to get a
neighbor picture!
Today was our first Georgia Southern Football game. I slept till 3:45 today, (don't judge me) and woke up just in time for some tailgating. We headed over to Claire and Emmy's and then walked for miles..well it seemed like miles since I was in wedges...Anyways we walked over to the stadium, checked out the tailgate scene and then Mary and I headed in. We were hungry so we got hot dogs. Even though I hate hot dogs these ones were really good. I think it was because I was starving and hadn't eaten all day. The pre game ceremonies are really cool here. There was a real eagle...Scary!! And, there is a mass of school spirit here..which is fun. It was like Pius times ten. I totally got the chills when the two buses of football players drove by..they had the windows down and they were all singing. I don't know what they were singing but it was cute. Totally Remember the Titans. Anyways, I really love it here. Rumrunners last night was super fun, again. My mother says I'm becoming a bar fly. I can't argue. I think it's funny that the bars are right next door to our dorms..it's also quite convenient. We're going to Retrievers tonight I think. It's my least favorite of the bars here but it's still fun. It's more..taco mac type sports bar. Rumrunners is somewhere in between and Rudy's is all dancing, which is my favorite. Anyways, I'm gonna go because if we leave now we'll get in for free. Love to my family & friends 
mary, jackie & i at rumrunners.
dunwoody girls!

mary & i keeping it classy
at rumrunners

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Fruitcake Capital of the World

the georgia fruitcake company. haha

The city of Claxton is located in Southeast Georgia, 22 miles south of Statesboro, that is, 199 miles southeast of Atlanta. So, this is officially my first “road trip” since I’ve been at Southern. I can’t believe we’re actually leaving Statesboro! Well, barely…but it counts. Mary has to go pick up a prescription at CVS, so, thirsting for some adventure I willingly accompanied her on her quest. So I got to wondering…what is there in Claxton? Someone told us that there was a chicken factory…someone else told us that 30% of their population is below poverty line. But the most striking fact that I’ve heard by far is that the city of Claxton is known as the “Fruit Cake Capital of the World.” Now that, my friends, is an accomplishment. When I was reading about Claxton, I scanned to something that said “Claxton Meteorite.” Apparently, in 1984 a meteorite fell in Claxton and hit a mailbox. It turns out that this is the only mailbox to have been struck by a meteorite, and it ended up selling for $83,000. What an interesting little town. I tell you…you learn something new every day.
we were parked, don't worry
There isn’t much else going on today besides that. We had breakfast/lunch at Einstein’s… We woke up pretty early this morning for having gone to bed around 4 a.m. We went to Rumrunners last night, and then Mary & I decided to see what Rude Rudy’s was all about, because we kept hearing about it. The rumors are true; Rudy’s is crazy. It was literally about 110 degrees in there. We stayed until closing which was 2, and then on our walk back to the EV penthouse, some guy gave Mary a hotdog for free. Why there was a hotdog stand outside of the bars, I do not know.
best friends :)
Anyways, we’re in the car right now, so I’m going to go enjoy the rest of our drive. We’re only 3 miles away from the Fruitcake Capital of the World!! Love to my family & friends.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

first post

So this is my first time blogging...This should be fun. Anyways, I'm supposed to be telling you about my life. It's the end of my third week here at Georgia Southern and it couldn't be going any better. I've met a ton of weird people, which I love. I've mad some cool new friends, while keeping up with the old ones as well. All of the kids that came from St. Pius have formed this little family here which is awesome. I never thought college would be so great, but I have to say, it's pretty sweet. My schedule is awesome...all my classes start at 11 a.m. and end around 4 or 5.. Also my weekend starts on thursday night..which is fun. The nightlife here is..interesting, but I could see it getting old after awhile. Everyone goes out thursday night, friday night, and saturday night, which can be quite exhausting. For the die hard party animals, there's always "messed-up monday", "trashed tuesday", and "wasted wednesday".. But I still haven't really grasped the concept of going out and partying on school nights...yet.. Anyways, my classes are going well so far. I like all of them and I seem to have pretty good professors. Tonight is tie-dye and tacos night on our  floor, so the roomies and I are going to that at 7:30. All is well, and life is swell here in Statesboro. (The picture is of our scenic view on our way home from the Lakeside cafe after dinner one night.) Love to my family & friends.. talk to you later!